Friday, March 5, 2010

Moms' Night Out

Had a moms' night out last night with some friends. Went to this Mexican little place that had great Ahi Tuna burritos!!! They were even cut up and served like sushi rolls. Absolutely delicious. I also had a couple of beers which I hadn't had in a while. It was a lot of fun. The time just went by way too fast. It's funny how you want to keep a conversation going with everyone, and I think all of us may be conversation starved because everyone was talking at once. We've got to do this more often! Even though I am so fortunate that I have the most wonderful husband who'll always encourage me to take time for myself I tend to hesitate. It's the constant guilt feelings of leaving and just spend time and money on me. And also, my husband does not do it for himself, take time I mean, so I guess I have to encourage him. Maybe then my guilt will lessen!

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