Friday, July 10, 2009

Sleeping with a toddler

Hayden is in our room for the next three weeks...!!! I have a full house already, but now it's even fuller. Picked up my sister and her family from the airport last night. I gave her and her husband Hayden's room and her girls are sleeping my youngest teen's room. So, Hayden is still a little off from our return from Sweden, and now he's schedule will be a little more off. But, that's okay. I don't have visitors that often. Just wish he would sleep a little better. After he woke up for the 3rd time at 5:30 I gave up on sleep. The first time was 1:30 and I had slept for 1 hour. Then he woke up at 3:30 and wanted to come to our bed from the little mattress I had placed for him on the floor. And anyone who has had the joys of sleeping with little children knows that they are not still. I had feet in my back, in my face, and in my stomach. Thought my son had turned into a milliped. It's now a little after 9 am and I can hear everyone stirring in their beds. They're all ready to wake up, and I am ready for a nap. Goodnight.

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