Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's funny how one has this preconceived idea how things will turn out! Went to this reunion last night. Haven't seen most people since 9th grade except for a handful. It was fun and interesting seeing some people whereas seeing some others was anxiety provoking. I realize that I no longer have anything in common with this latter crowd. Most of them kept in contact with eachother in some form and thus have an adult connection. For me middle school and highschool was about survival, so I think I supressed a lot of things that now surfaced. There were actually quite a few not so nice people in my school back then, so now I just felt kind of an aversion to them, but couldn't put my finger on it. But, I did enjoy seeing some and hear what have happened in their lives. Ended up being a partypooper though, and left around 10 pm with my close friends. We'd seen enough, our curiousity was satisfied!


  1. You put it right on the spot there, Monica. Well written, again even though you hardly get any sleep you have a way with word. I am so happy you were there! Pussar & Kramar från N1n

  2. Exakt. Du skriver så klokt.Och så glad jag är att det är just vi tre som fortfarande umgås.

  3. Tack tjejer för era varma ord. Det kändes i hjärtat. Min pappa är så sjuk nu så jag har det lite jobbigt, men hoppas vi kan sy ihop nåt. Pappa är nu inlagd på sjukhus. Hoppas de behåller honom en vecka, så de inte skickar hem honom för tidigt. Kramar till er båda.
