Today I saw that I had a few facebook messages, so I went to my page to check them. I almost choked on my coffee when I saw that an old friend of mine had posted a picture of me and her from the mid 80's. I guess this middle aged part time RN part time house wife living in this white middleclass suburb was a pretty wild child at one point. Since my kids and all their friends have facebook I wonder how long before I'll be bombarded with some stupid ass comments. Oh, well...guess I can't hide from my past. At least I had a pretty interesting life...

Gahhhh, hade nästan glömt bort den där perioden, haha!! Fy fan så kul att se. Den städade morsan i förorten...jag kissar på mig. Printa ut den på en stor A3 och meddela tonåringarna att man hade kul på stenåldern också!
ReplyDeleteSjukt bra ide Mona...det ska jag gora.