Tuesday, June 2, 2009


My husband is good at buying presents. Sunday was our anniversary, and I had bought him some clothes because he never buys anything for himself. I got an Ipod Touch!!! It's absolutely amazing. I've alreay put a bunch of songs on it and some audiobooks (Curious George for Hayden), and quite a few photos. I'm going to download a couple of movies on it too to have for Hayden. We're going on a long plane ride in a couple of weeks, so I have to keep him entertained. But I am technically challenged, so I am happy to have two teenage girls at home, who of course already have this device and are pros, to help me out. I have 179 songs on it, and they laughed. "Is that all you have?" was their comment. They have about 5000 songs on their Ipods. I can't even imagine...Who the hell knows that many songs?


  1. Vadå a long plane ride? Ska ni komma hit?!!! Och en annan sak; har du inte talat om för Nettan, och alla andra att du bloggar? Om inte, så gör det NU!!

    Kram på sig.

  2. Just, sorry, skulle ju säga GRATTIS!! Och hälsa!

  3. Mona, vad du ar gullig. Och vada...har inte jag sagt att jag kommer till Sverige den 15 juni? Vi maste traffas givetvis. Kan vi inte ga ut och ata och ta ett par glas vin. Och nej jag har inte talat om for nan. Kanner mig alleles for ny...men jag kanske ska beratta for Nettan.

  4. Klart att du ska!

    Klart att vi ska!

    Ring mig när du acklimatiserat dig: 070-444 42 42
